3. RectiPy.rectipy_tests

Documentation of all test functions that are included in RectiPy.

3.1. Notes on Testing

Static type checking

MyPy is used to statically check types. To test, if everything works out, run:

MYPYPATH=./stubs/ mypy –strict-optional –ignore-missing-imports core

If you get no output, all type checks are successful. Some issues are ignored using the comment tag

# type: ignore

These issues may be too complicated for mypy to recognise them properly - or too complicated to fix immediately, but might need fixing, nevertheless.

Running tests with py.test

We use py.test for testing.

Make sure you have pytest installed.


  • from within PyCharm
    • select py.test as default testing framework

    • right-click on tests and select “run py.test in tests”

  • from the console
    • navigate to the PyRates base directory

    • run pytest rectipy_tests

3.2. Input Layer Tests

3.3. Output Layer Tests

3.4. RNN Layer Tests

3.5. Network tests