2.3. Network Initialization

RectiPy models are generally initialized via the rectipy.Network class. The method Network.from_yaml serves as the main user interface for network model initialization. It allows the user to define the dynamic equations and default parameters of the units of an RNN via YAML templates. To this end, RectiPy makes use of the model definition capacities of PyRates. PyRates provides a detailed documentation that covers the mathematical syntax that can be used to define neuron models, and how to use their YAML template classes to define neurodynamic models. We refer readers to this documentation to learn how to define neuron model templates themselves.

Here, we will make use of the pre-implemented neuron models that come with RectiPy to explain how to initialize a rectipy.Network based on a neuron model template and how the rectipy.Network can be customized afterwards to construct a neural network model of choice.

2.3.1. How to create a network with differential-equation-based nodes

Let’s begin with the rectipy.Network.add_diffeq_node method. The code below initializes a rectipy.Network instance and adds \(N = 5\) rate-coupled LI neurons to the network via this method. LI rate neurons are defined via a single ordinary differential equation. For an introduction to the LI rate neuron model, see the respective use example.

from rectipy import Network
import numpy as np

# define network parameters
node = "neuron_model_templates.rate_neurons.leaky_integrator.tanh"
N = 5
J = np.random.randn(N, N)*2.0
dt = 1e-3

# initialize network
net = Network(dt=dt, device="cpu")

# add a rate-neuron population to the network
net.add_diffeq_node("tanh", node, weights=J, source_var="tanh_op/r", target_var="li_op/r_in", input_var="li_op/I_ext",

In the code above, the variable node is a path pointing to a YAML template that defines the dynamic equations and variables of a single LI neuron. Since RectiPy comes with a module that contains all its pre-implemented models (called neuron_model_templates), we can use the . syntax to specify that path. If you define your own neuron model, you can use standard Python syntax to specify the path to that model, i.e. node = "<path>/<yaml_file_name>.<template_name>". As a second important piece of our network definition, we need to provide an \(N x N\) coupling matrix, that defines the structure of the recurrent coupling in a network of \(N\) neurons. Above, we call this matrix J. During the call to rectipy.Network.add_diffeq_node, a rectipy.nodes.RateNet instance will be created, which can be accessed via net[“tanh”] and contains a network of \(N\) recurrently coupled neurons, with the neuron type given by node and the coupling weights given by J. The variables source_var and target_var specify which variables of the neuron model to use to establish the recurrent coupling. In the above example, we specify to project the variable r of each neuron, defined in operator template tanh_op, to the variable r_in of each neuron, defined in operator template li_op. The coupling weights provided via the keyword argument weights will be used to scale the source_var, and multiple sources projecting to the same target will be summed up. Thus, the above code implements the following definition of the target variable r_in of each neuron: \(r_i^{in} = \sum_{j=1}^N J_{ij} r_j\).

Furthermore, we specified that the variable I_ext defined in operator template li_op should serve as an input variable for any extrinsic inputs that we would like to apply to the RNN. We could use this variable, for example, to provide input from another network layer to the RNN. Finally, we defined that the variable u defined in operator template li_op serves as the output of the RNN layer and can thus be used to connect it to subsequent network layers.

Below, we show how to access a couple of relevant attributes of the network. For a full documentation of the different attributes of rectipy.network.Network and rectipy.nodes.RateNet instances, see our API.


print(f"Number of neurons in network: {net.n_out}")
print(f"Network nodes: {net.nodes}")
print(f"State variables of the network: {net.state}")
print(f"LI population parameters: {net['tanh']['node'].parameter_names}")

2.3.2. How to create a spiking neural network

in the above example, we initialized a network of rate neurons. To initialize a network of spiking neurons instead, we need to provide two additional keyword arguments to Network.add_diffeq_node:

# change neuron model to leaky integrate-and-fire neuron
node = "neuron_model_templates.spiking_neurons.lif.lif"

# initialize network
net = Network(dt=dt, device="cpu")

# initialize network
net.add_diffeq_node("lif", node, weights=J, source_var="s", target_var="s_in", input_var="I_ext",
                    output_var="s", op="lif_op", spike_var="spike", spike_def="v", spike_threshold=100.0,

First, note that we did not provide the operator template names with the variable names in this call to Network.add_diffeq_node. Instead, we provided the operator name as a separate keyword argument op. This is possible in this case, since the LIF neuron template only consists of a single operator template.

The keyword argument spike_var specifies which variable to use to store spikes in, whereas the keyword argument spike_def specifies which state variable to use to define the spiking condition of a neuron. When these two keyword arguments are provided, rectipy.Network is initialized with a rectipy.nodes.SpikeNet instance instead of a rectipy.nodes.RateNet instance. The class rectipy.nodes.SpikeNet implements the following spike condition:

In more mathematic terms, and specific to our example model, this means that a spike is counted when \(v_i \geq \theta\), where \(\theta\) is the spiking threshold. A spike is then counted via the variable spike_var and the neuron’s state variable is reset: \(v_i \rightarrow v_r\). The two control parameters of this spike reset conditions, \(\theta\) and \(v_r\), can be controlled via two additional keyword arguments: spike_threshold and spike_reset. The default parameters of these two keyword arguments are as specified in the above call to Network.add_diffeq_node. Let’s inspect the differences between the spiking network RNN layer and the rate-neuron RNN layer.


print(f"Number of neurons in network: {net.n_out}")
print(f"Network nodes: {net.nodes}")
print(f"State variables of the network: {net.state}")
print(f"LI population parameters: {net['lif']['node'].parameter_names}")

As can be seen, a SpikeNet instance is now the only network node instead of a RateNet instance. Furthermore, the network node has a different state vector and a different number of parameters, owing to the differences in the LIF neuron as compared to the LI rate neuron. The state variable difference comes from the additional state-variable \(s_i\), whereas the difference in the number of model parameters is caused by the synaptic time constant \(\tau_s\).

2.3.3. How to add a simple function node to the network

In addition to nodes that are based on differential equation systems, it is also possible to add nodes with instantaneous activation functions. The code below shows how to add a node with the identity function (can be useful as input layers):

m = 3
net.add_func_node("input", m, activation_function="identity")

To connect this node to an existing node, we can use the Network.add_edge method:

net.add_edge(source="input", target="lif")

In this most simple case, a random set of weights will be drawn to map from the \(m = 3\) input nodes to the \(N = 5\) LIF neurons. You can also specify weights yourself and pass them via the keyword argument weights. Let’s add another function node and specify the weights explicitly:

# add a node of sigmoid units
k = 2
net.add_func_node("output", k, activation_function="sigmoid")

# add an edge from the LIF population to the sigmoid node
net.add_edge(source="lif", target="output", weights=np.random.randn(N, k))

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