2.2. Network Observer

The rectipy.observer.Observer can be used to record neuron state variables during numerical simulations or training/testing procedures performed with rectipy.Network instances. It is used by the methods Network.run and Network.test, for example, which return a rectipy.observer.Observer instance with state variable recordings.

2.2.1. Using the Observer in custom scripts

Here, we will demonstrate how an Observer instance can be used within a custom simulation of the dynamics of a network of \(N=5\) randomly coupled QIF neurons. For a detailed introduction to the neuron model used in this example, see our documentation of the QIF spiking neuron. Step 1: Network initialization

First, let’s set up the network.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from rectipy import Network

# network parameters
N = 5
J = np.random.rand(N, N) * 20.0
node = "neuron_model_templates.spiking_neurons.qif.qif"

# network initialization
net = Network(dt=1e-3)
net.add_diffeq_node("qif", node, weights=J, source_var="s", target_var="s_in", input_var="I_ext", output_var="s",
                    op="qif_op", spike_def="v", spike_var="spike") Step 2: Observer initialization

Next, we need to initialize our observer. This can be done as follows:

from rectipy import Observer

obs = Observer(net.dt, record_output=True, record_loss=False, record_vars=[("qif", "v", False)])

The first argument to Observer is the integration step-size that we will use to solve the differential equations of our network. In addition, we told the observer to record the output variable of the network via record_output=True. In our example, this is the variable s of the neurons in our RNN layer. However, if we were to add an output layer to the network (see this example for information on how to do that), the output of that output layer would be recorded instead. We will demonstrate this at a later stage. The record_loss keyword argument can be toggled on, if you would like to record the loss during a training or testing procedure (see this example for details on model training). Finally, the keyword argument record_vars serves to declare which additional state variables the observer should stage for recording. It is passed as a list, where each list entry is a separate variable to record. List entries should be passed as tuples, where the first tuple entry is the name of the network node, the second tuple entry is the name of the variable on that node, and the third entry indicates whether to record this variable for every neuron in the RNN layer, or whether to record the average of that variable across all neurons. Choosing the latter option leads to reduced memory consumption. Step 3: Perform recordings

Now that we have the network and observer initialized, we can use both of them to simulate the network dynamics and record the evolution of its state variables.

import torch

# define input
steps = 10000
inp = torch.zeros((steps, N)) + 15.0

# compile the network

# perform numerical simulation
for step in range(steps):
    out = net.forward(inp[step, :])
    obs.record(step, output=out, loss=0.0, record_vars=[net.get_var("qif", "v")])

In that example, we recorded the network output variable \(s\) as well as the QIF neuron state variable \(v\) at each integration step. For the latter, we made use of the RNNLayer.record method which yields the current state of each of the variables passed in the list. Note that the names of the variables that have been declared as record_vars during the initialization of the Observer are also available via the attribute obs.recorded_rnn_variables. Thus, you could also provide the keyword argument record_vars=[net[v] for v in obs.recorded_rnn_variables] to the Observer.record method.

After this procedure, we can visualize our recordings via the Observer.plot method, which allows you to either plot state variables against time or against each other.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

obs.plot(("qif", "v"))

obs.plot(y=("qif", "v"), x="out")

Note that the network output is always available via “out”, whereas additional recorded variables are available via a tuple of the name of the network node (“qif) and the name of the variable on that node (“v”). Alternatively, you can simply retrieve the recordings from the observer for subsequent analysis/plotting via your own custom scripts. To this end, you have several options:

v = obs.to_dataframe(("qif", "v"))  # type: pd.DataFrame
s_raw = obs["out"]  # type: list
s_numpy = obs.to_numpy("out")  # type: np.ndarray

The Observer.to_dataframe method returns a pandas.DataFrame with the recorded variable, the indexing method returns a list with the recorded torch.Tensor objects, and Observer.to_numpy returns a numpy array with the stacked results.

2.2.2. Using the Observer in custom scripts

Standard numerical simulations, model training, and model testing methods are provided by rectipy.Network via its methods run, train, and test. You will not have to bother with observer initialization and manual variable recordings if you are using these methods. Instead, you can control the behavior of the observer via keyword arguments to these methods. The keyword arguments are the same for each of these methods and we will demonstrate how to use them via the Network.run method. The code below performs the same simulation that we performed manually above.

obs = net.run(inputs=inp, record_vars=[("qif", "v", True)], verbose=False)

As additional options, you can change the sampling step-size of your recordings:

obs2 = net.run(inputs=inp, record_vars=[("qif", "v", True)], sampling_steps=2, verbose=False)
print(len(obs[("qif", "v")]))
print(len(obs2[("qif", "v")]))
ax = obs.plot(("qif", "v"))
obs2.plot(("qif", "v"), ax=ax)
plt.legend(["obs", "obs2"])

As you can see, the second observer stored the state variable \(v\) at only every second integration step, when sampling_steps=2 was given. You can also toggle storage of the output variable and loss on and off, using the same keyword arguments as for the observer initialization:

net.run(inputs=inp, record_output=True, record_loss=False, verbose=False)

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