2.1. Network Simulations

RectiPy provides basic support for numerical simulations of network dynamics. Neuron models of the RNN layer are governed by differential equation systems of the form

\[\dot y = F(y, \theta, t)\]

With state-vector \(y\), parameter vector :math`theta`, vector-field \(F\) and time :math`t`. Thus, when we speak of numerical simulations of the network dynamics, we refer to solving the initial value problem (IVP) via numerical methods. Given an initial time \(t_0\) and an initial state \(y(t_0)\), the IVP amounts to finding the solution

\[y(t) = \int_{t' = t_0}^{t} F(y, \theta, t') dt'\]

To solve this integral numerically, we apply the standard Euler method. This procedure is available to the user via the method rectipy.Network.run. We will show how to apply this method, using the example of an RNN of QIF neurons. Have a look at our documentation of the QIF neuron for details on its mathematical definition and implementation in RectiPy.

2.1.1. Step 1: Network initialization

As a first step, let’s define a network of \(N = 5\) randomly coupled QIF neurons.

from rectipy import Network
import numpy as np

# network parameters
N = 5
J = np.random.rand(N, N) * 20.0
dt = 1e-3
node = "neuron_model_templates.spiking_neurons.qif.qif"

# network initialization
qif = Network(dt=dt, device="cpu")
qif.add_diffeq_node("qif", node, weights=J, source_var="s", target_var="s_in", input_var="I_ext", output_var="s",
                    spike_var="spike", spike_def="v", op="qif_op")

An important variable for numerical integration is the integration step-size dt. It’s default value is dt=1e-3, but depending on the smallest time constant in your model, you might have to choose a smaller value. Its physical unit depends on the unit of the time constants in your model. In this example, dt is defined in units of \(\tau\), the evolution time constant of the QIF neuron.

2.1.2. Step 2: Define extrinsic inputs

We would like to solve the IVP using the Network.run method over a time interval of \(T = 10\) (again, in units of \(\tau\)). Due to dt = 1e-3, this amounts to 10000 integration steps. RectiPy requires us to define the extrinsic input to the network for each integration step. Here, we apply a sine wave input to some of the target neurons, for demonstration purposes.

# initialize input array
steps = 30000
time = np.arange(0, steps) * dt
inp = np.zeros((steps, N))

# define target neurons, input strengths, and input frequencies
target_neurons = [2, 4]
inp_strengths = [20.0, 10.0]
inp_freqs = [0.5, 0.25]

# add sine wave inputs to input array
for n, amp, freq in zip(target_neurons, inp_strengths, inp_freqs):
    inp[:, n] = np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*time)*amp

# plot the inputs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.legend([f"inp_{i}" for i in range(N)])

2.1.3. Step 3: Simulate the network dynamics

Now that we have defined the input, lets solve the IVP using the rectipy.Network.run method:

obs = qif.run(inputs=inp)

The return value of that method is a rectipy.observer.Observer instance, which is described in detail in another use example. Importantly, it records the output variable of the RNN at each integration step by default. We can visualize these dynamics as follows:

plt.legend([f"s_{i}" for i in range(N)])

As can be seen, the extrinsic input pushed the QIF network into a high-activity regime of relatively synchronized spiking activity. Next to the inputs argument, the rectipy.Network.run method provides additional keyword arguments that control the recording of RNN state variables. These are described in more detail in the use example that covers the rectipy.observer.Observer class. Finally, the rectipy.Network.run method allows to toggle the progress display via the verbose keyword argument:

obs = qif.run(inp, verbose=False)

If you wanted to speed up the simulation process by running it on one of your GPUs, simply change the device setting during network initialization, i.e. Network(dt=1e-3, device=”cuda:0”. Note that this will fail if PyTorch was not compiled to be cuda compatible or if PyTorch cannot detect any cuda devices.

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